When we see objects that are highly similar to humans, we feel fear. Have you ever had such an experience? Fear of wax figures of characters, fear of simulated robots, and physical discomfort of animals that look very human. This is the uncanny valley effect.
The Uncanny Valley theory was proposed by Japanese robotics expert Masahiro Mori in 1970. It is a hypothesis about how humans perceive robots and non-human objects. Mori Masahiro’s hypothesis pointed out that because robots and humans are similar in appearance and actions, humans will also have positive emotions on robots; and when the similarity between robots and humans reaches a certain level, humans will respond to them. Suddenly become extremely negative and disgusting, even if the robot is only a little different from humans, it will be very conspicuous, so that the whole robot has a very stiff and terrifying feeling, as if facing a walking dead; when the similarity between robots and humans continues to rise, it is quite At the time of similarity between ordinary people, humans’ emotional response to them will return to the positive again, resulting in empathy between humans.
For example, in this picture, Thomas the little train stares straight at you in front of the screen. Although we can realize that it will not pose any threat to us, the moment we see the picture, there will still be a trace of fear.
For another example, this picture is a plush teddy bear wearing dentures.(Considering the psychological endurance of some readers, more pictures can be Baidu by yourself.)
According to the theory of evolutionary psychology, after millions of years of natural selection, the existing human brain that has not been eliminated by nature has a kind of logical partiality, providing a high ability to sense and reject those that reflect genetic diseases or Lack of health overall appearance on the microscopic or macroscopic human deformity. Therefore, unintentionally (or deliberately, if the observer explicitly thinks about it), the potential impact of abnormal humanoid entities in the human gene pool will also sound the observer's warning. volume_upcontent_copyshare
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