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2024-01-13 15:02 来源:喜雅生活 点击:




1. When you finish doing or dealing with something, you do or deal with the last part of it, so that there is no more for you to do or deal with.

2. When you finish something that you are making or producing, you reach the end of making or producing it, so that it is complete.



1. Mr. Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech. 古尔德先生结束他的演讲时,观众起立为他鼓掌并大声欢呼。

2. The consultants had been working to finish a report this week. 顾问们一直在争取于本周完成一份报告。


1. When a situation, process, or activity ends, or when something or someone ends it, it reaches its final point and stops.

2. If a situation or event ends in a particular way, it has that particular result.



1. Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting.

2. The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.


The play finished/ended at 10:30. 这句话中,finish和end可以互换,句意没有改变

The cup of coffee ended the meal perfectly. 这是一种中性的表达方式

The cup of coffee finished the meal perfectly.咖啡作为用餐的最后的饮料非常合适

How does the story end? 问话者发出此问,希望回答者能以最简单的语言描述故事结局.

How does the story finish? 问话者发出此问,希望回答者能更详细地描述一下故事大结局时发生的一切。

They ended the play with a song. 一种事实陈述

They finished the play with a song. 1)一种事实描述,2)(这可能是我的偏见,请原谅)这首歌曲太低劣了,简直毁了整场比赛。
